In the scientific community


  1. Member, Student Initiatives Committee (CIE) of the CMDO (2019-2022)
    • Tasks : Organize events, organize seminars and webinars, support the development of the network initiatives, prepare documents, build websites, host and manage attendees, manage speakers
  2. Secretary of the CMDO Student Initiatives Committee (2019-2020)
    • Plan meetings, write down meeting proceeding, write reports, define and manage timeline for the projects, manage mailing, ensure the decorum and the regularity of the proceedings
  3. VRRDCI Consultation Workshops – Research Action Plan – UdeM (2021)
    • Tasks : Revise the VRRDCI research action plan of UdeM university, propose research axis, amend proposition, discuss limitations and propose perspectives at the scale of the university
  4. Member, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee of the CMDO (2021-2022)
    • Tasks : discuss the EDI plan of the CMDO, propose EDI task force roadmap, develop the EDI in conferences axis, exchange on how to apply EDI within the network and work on inclusivity within the CMDO
  5. Scientific monitoring of COVID-19, CMDO (April-July 2020)
    • Tasks : monitor the literature about cardiometabolic disorders and COVID-19 to help health-care practitioners within the CMDO network
  6. Volunteer at Obesity Canada – Montreal (2019)
    • Tasks : Support Montréal chapter of Obesity Canada in his actions
  7. Vice-president at (2020 – Present)
    • Tasks : work on international development, scientific translations from French to English, manage the international team, organize meetings, define roadmap and tasks, work with the engineers to develop the website’s functionalities, help with the development of the network, support funding efforts
  8. “Recognition in Social Responsibility” application – Faculty of Medicine, Université Laval (2017)
    • Tasks : Contribute to the draft of the application, work with all the parties to find common ground, collect ideas and views from the students
  9. Administrator at CEAMII of CHU de Québec-Université Laval (2016-2017)
    • Tasks : plan the yearly plan for the organisation, develop projects within the CEAMII, prepare events for the students, prepare training sessions, support the organisation of networking events
  10. Vice-President of External Affairs at ACCEM – Université Laval (2015-2017)
    • Tasks : participate in the discussions between the ACCEM and the university, act a point of contact for the students and key leaders in other organisations, represent the ACCEM at higher instances
  11. Administrator of the graduate student association AELIES, Université Laval (2015-2017)
    • Tasks : Discuss and define the roadmap of the association, discuss and vote the texts of the association, propose and discuss amendement, make funding decisions, hiring, defend ideas and projects, make decisions on the future of the association, work with the direction committee to position the AELIES in regards of national issues and interact with the University and the government, organise referendums and vote on association policies, work within select committees


  1. Evaluator, SQLNMCMDO-COLosSUS annual conference (2022)
    • Tasks : Evaluate oral presentations and abstracts and select best presenters.
  2. Evaluator, abstracts at IA/MDRS 2021 conference (2021)
    • Tasks : Evaluate abstracts and select speakers
  3. Evaluator, Alexandre Parks Foundation scholarships (2020)
    • Tasks : Evaluate scholarship proposals, grade and define the winner of the scholarship
  4. Evaluator, ACCEM conference scholarships (2017)
    • Tasks : Evaluate scholarship proposals, grade and define the winner of the scholarship
  5. Evaluator, oral presentations and abstracts at SQLNMCMDO-COLosSUS annual conference (2020 and 2021)
    • Tasks : Evaluate oral presentations and abstracts and select best presenters.
  6. Evaluator, pedagogical grants and sponsorships of AELIES (2016)
    • Tasks : Evaluate scholarship proposals, grade and define the winner of the scholarship
  7. Evaluator, ACCEM conference scholarships (January 2017)
    • Tasks : Evaluate scholarship proposals, grade and define the winner of the scholarship

Active member of learned societies and research networks.

  • Research Network in Cardiometabolic Health, Diabetes and Obesity (rrCMDO)
  • International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV)
  • RiboClub- Société Québécoise de Lipidologie (SQLNM)
  • International Functional Food Society (IFFS)
  • American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
  • Canadian Cancer Research Society (CCRS)
  • Institute on Nutrition and Functional Foods (INAF)


  • Mentoring at (2 student, 2019 – present)
    • Tasks : mentor young students in life science, guide them in the choice of their orientation, support with skill and network building, work with them towards improving their profile, clarify the fields and provide support for their academic advancement, help improve their linguistic capabilities